Please note
Eurovignette booking
Please note: Denmark Exit 2025
Since 1 January 2025, Denmark has switched from the Eurovignette to a kilometre-based vehicle tax for heavy goods vehicles. Please check for more information on the new tax. As a result of this change a Eurovignette will no longer be needed in Denmark after 31 December 2024.
Registration and acceptance
You don't need to create an account before you can book a Eurovignette. The Eurovignette is stored electronically and there is no need to carry further paper documents with you. The Eurovignette is a road user charge. Heavy goods vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of minimum 12 tons have to buy the Eurovignette to use motorways and toll highways in the Eurovignette countries (Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Sweden). On order of the Eurovignette countries AGES is responsible for selling Eurovignettes. The Eurovignette is accepted in all Eurovignette countries. Therefore even if you travel through several Eurovignette countries, only one valid Eurovignette is needed.
Accepted means of payment
Fuel and fleet cards
AS24, Circle K, DKV, Esso, euroShell, eurotoll sas, EUROTRAFIC, Eurowag, LogPay, Mercedes ServiceCard, Multi Service Tolls, OMV, PLOSE, Ressa, TotalEnergies, TSI Global Star, UTA
Credit cards
Mastercard and VISA